The ghost in the old farm

My uncle’s farm was huge… and cursed. According to the legend a man died there and went out every night looking for victims to kill. I didn’t believe any of that. However, my cousins did, and kept this idea in their minds.

One afternoon they invited me to play hide and seek, so I ran to one of the buildings near the farm and hid in the closet on the second floor. I waited for an hour, nothing happened. I didn’t even realize when I fell asleep, I only know that when I woke up I could hear strange noises in the room. It was already night and nowhere to be seen. Someone was walking around the building and dragging something.

I opened the closet door a little to see what was happening. I noticed that a man was in front of the door. I stopped breathing so he would not realize I was there. He left, but a few seconds later I felt a breath on my neck, someone was behind me. I ran so much that I could only stop when arrived at my uncle’s farm, where the police were waiting with my parents and my cousins.

Carlota Díaz, finalista del Young Shakespeare 2019